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Fixing the Number of Posts Shown Uncomplete on the Blog

Fixing the Number of Posts Shown Uncomplete on the Blog - One of the problems faced by a blogger is the appearance of a few articles or posts on the blog dashboard.  Of course, we also wondered why it only appeared a little on the blog's home page?  Even though the actual article is more than one, aka many.  Sometimes only 3 to 4 articles appear on the blog's homepage, even just one article.

I've also experienced problems like that. My article has about 40 articles but strangely, only 3 articles appear on the blog's homepage. In fact only one article appears. And the number of views that sometimes fluctuate.  Sometimes three or two articles.  Even though I set the number of posts to 7 articles.

Well it turns out that the cause of appearing a few articles on the blog is when we write articles, we don't directly type them on the blog.  That is, when you write an article to publish on your blog, you write the article offline in Microsoft Word or in Notepad. Then when we have finished writing the article, we immediately paste it on our blog.  Now that's actually the cause of the number of posts appearing a little on the dashboard of your blog.

Then how to overcome the number of posts that appear a little on the blog dashboard?  OK, please see how to solve it.

Steps to Fix the Number of Posts Shown Uncomplete

1. Please log in to your Blogger.

2. Go to the heading menu and select Edit.

3. Click and select Jump Break in the fourth paragraph.  Then click Update

Now please check whether the number of posts on your homepage is back to normal.  If the problem is still exist it means there are other things that cause the display of the number of posts on your blog to be small.

Those are the steps for fixing the number of posts that appear uncomplete on the blog. You can also read how to make school timetable. Hopefully this article is useful. Thank you.

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